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Powerful Solution for Every Industry

Unlocking the potential of decentralized identity technology. Self-sovereign identity (SSI) has multiple practical applications across diverse industries, and new use cases are emerging every day.


comprehensive capabilities

iDen2 is a robust and versatile digital identity platform and wallet infrastructure that serves the needs of various industries. Our solution is designed to be flexible, allowing you to build end-to-end use cases or applications quickly and efficiently, regardless of your specific requirements.

Non-Fungible and Soulbound Tokens on different blockchains.


Non-Fungible and Soulbound Tokens on different blockchains.
openID connect (OIDC) standards (OIDC4VC, SIOP, MDL/mdoc)


openID connect (OIDC) standards (OIDC4VC, SIOP, MDL/mdoc)
Verifiable Credentials (W3C), Mobile Driver’s License / mdocs (ISO)


Verifiable Credentials (W3C), Mobile Driver’s License / mdocs (ISO)
Mono-claim credentials, SD-JWTs and zero-knowledge proofs

Selective Disclosure

Mono-claim credentials, SD-JWTs and zero-knowledge proofs
Key storage (HSM), multiple key types and signature suits.

Crypto & Keys

Key storage (HSM), multiple key types and signature suits.
Different blockchains, PKIs and related trust frameworks.


Different blockchains, PKIs and related trust frameworks.
Issue tamper-proof digital certificates, qualifications, badges, tickets, and other personal data or identity attributes, and let users store them in a mobile ID wallet. Users can securely access your services or share them with third parties..

Issuance of identity credentials

Issue tamper-proof digital certificates, qualifications, badges, tickets, and other personal data or identity attributes, and let users store them in a mobile ID wallet. Users can securely access your services or share them with third parties..
Issue tamper-proof digital certificates, qualifications, badges, tickets, and other personal data or identity attributes, and let users store them in a mobile ID wallet. Users can securely access your services or share them with third parties.

Customer onboarding (KYC)

Issue tamper-proof digital certificates, qualifications, badges, tickets, and other personal data or identity attributes, and let users store them in a mobile ID wallet. Users can securely access your services or share them with third parties.
Provide secure access to your facilities in proximity scenarios, where you can seamlessly verify identity information in seconds. Combine SSI technology with smart locks or turnstiles to automate access control in office buildings, hotels, or airports.

Physical access control

Provide secure access to your facilities in proximity scenarios, where you can seamlessly verify identity information in seconds. Combine SSI technology with smart locks or turnstiles to automate access control in office buildings, hotels, or airports.
No more username and password logins. Combine the simplicity of a Single Sign-On (SSO) with government-grade secure identity systems to provide the best user experience, reduce identity fraud, and comply with data protection regulations.

User authentication (SSO)

No more username and password logins. Combine the simplicity of a Single Sign-On (SSO) with government-grade secure identity systems to provide the best user experience, reduce identity fraud, and comply with data protection regulations.
We simplify the user experience with our one-click data-sharing feature, making onboarding and checkout processes fast, secure, and hassle-free. This seamless functionality not only enhances user satisfaction but also boosts engagement and conversion rates.

One-Click Data Sharing

We simplify the user experience with our one-click data-sharing feature, making onboarding and checkout processes fast, secure, and hassle-free. This seamless functionality not only enhances user satisfaction but also boosts engagement and conversion rates.
Enhance your business security, efficiency, and convenience, and reduce costs with electronic agreements. Automatically fill in signee information in legal agreements, contracts, and other important documents, and enable qualified electronic signatures.

eSignature or eSeal Documents

Enhance your business security, efficiency, and convenience, and reduce costs with electronic agreements. Automatically fill in signee information in legal agreements, contracts, and other important documents, and enable qualified electronic signatures.
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